What is T-Coil?
Many people have a t-coil in their hearing aid or cochlear implant and do not even know it. Even fewer understand – what is a telecoil?
A telecoil is a small copper coil that was originally included in hearing aids to boost the magnetic signal from a landline telephone handset. Due to technology advances, T-coil now can interface in several more avenues through its magnetic signal – including Bluetooth neckloops and hearing loops.
As hearing devices advance even further in technology, so have the capabilities of t-coil. In the past, when the hearing aid was set to telecoil, the microphone on the hearing aid for the general environment would turn off and the individual could only hear the phone. Now, some hearing aids are capable allowing the listener to access the t-coil setting and environmental noise simultaneously. Also, professionals are often able to set up the telecoil to automatically come on or manually depending upon your preference.
The t-coil setting must be adjusted to meet your specific hearing loss just like your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist designed the hearing aid to amplify environmental sounds specifically to meet your hearing needs. Specialized adjustments are especially important to have for your t-coil setting if you plan to use a neckloop with an amplified stethoscope as it is vital to have the bass sounds amplified appropriately to listen to heart beats.
Please contact your hearing specialist for details about your hearing aid. If you have questions about which products would best fit your needs, please call or email us. We are always happy to be of assistance.