Ear Care & Hearing Aid Supplies > Hearing Aid Supplies > Wax Guards
Wax guards help to protect your hearing aids from ear wax. It is recommended that you replace your was guards every month, or more frequently for those who generate higher levels of wax.
Cerustop Wax Guards
PhonakCerustop Wax Guards are used to protect your hearing aid from wax build-up, and it is recommended that they are replaced every month (those who gen...
View full detailsOticon Nowax Filters (Pack of 6)
Warner-TechHelp keep your hearing aids from wax buildup with the Oticon Nowax filters. For use with Oticon hearing instruments. Protects against wax and moi...
View full detailsOticon Prowax Filters (Pack of 6)
Warner TechHelp keep your hearing aids from wax buildup with the Oticon Prowax filters. For use with Oticon hearing instruments. Protects against wax and mo...
View full detailsCeruShield Disk
PhonakCeruShield™ Disk for easy exchange of cerumen protection in the receiver spout. CeruShield filters protects the receiver from wax related problems ...
View full detailsWax Springs (10pkg)
OtherWax springs are used to block cerumen. Mini and standard sizes both include 10/pkg. The Mini dimensions .083 inches- height .062 inches - large e...
View full detailsOticon Prowax Minifit (6 Filter Pack)
OticonHelp keep your hearing aids from ear wax build up with the Prowax miniFit wax filters. For use with Oticon hearing instruments Protects against ...
View full detailsStarkey Hear Clear Wax Guards (8/pk)
StarkeyHearClear Wax Guards are used to protect your hearing aid from wax build-up, and it is recommended that they are replaced every month (those who ge...
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