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Thank You For Registering

Thanks for Registering!

You will receive a response within the next 24 business hours.

Here's what you can expect: 

  • Account review - If you are already an account holder, your application will be automatically approved. You will receive an email with your online access information from your account manager. 
  • Approval* - If you are not yet an account holder, your information will be reviewed by our sales team and you will be assigned an account number. You can expect to receive two emails - the first will contain your new wholesale account information and the second will provide you with your online access details. 
Questions? Please contact our team at 800-726-0851 or email 

*This website is intended for hearing healthcare professionals only, and applications for non-wholesale/professional customers will not be approved. If you are a retail customer, please visit to view our selection of assistive technology and hearing healthcare products.